- Aleix Prat
How we achived over 40,000 users in 2 weeks with #VottunDojo

Recently, Telegram-based bot games have gained significant popularity. Leveraging this trend and aiming to expand our community within the Vottun Ecosystem and increase users for Vottun World, we have developed a game called Vottun Dojo.
Vottun Dojo is a game on Telegram where the main goal is to increase your ‘Shuriken’ balance to level up. Users can boost their balance by improving their passive income of ‘Shurikens’ per hour through various activities, which are integrated with the multi-blockchain platform developed by Vottun. Through the game, users not only have fun but also get introduced to the Web3 world and the Vottun ecosystem subconsciously.
We have capitalized on this trend to connect users with our Vottun World platform. As you may know, dear readers, Vottun World is a multi-blockchain platform that enables Web2 developers to create Web3 solutions easily and efficiently. The platform facilitates intuitive interaction with the blockchain; developers can manage smart contracts and blockchain transactions via RestAPIs, track calls, manage projects, and collaborate on Web3 initiatives, among other functionalities.
Moreover, the platform offers an engaging gamified experience for developers, allowing them to enjoy and connect socially with other professionals who are also new to the Web3 space.
Each activity in Vottun Dojo is designed to reflect real tasks on our development platform, thus allowing users to familiarize themselves with the Web3 world in a practical and entertaining way.
The importance of community cannot be underestimated. Initially, the committed Vottun World community gave us the initial visibility we needed. As we have been onboarding more users, surpassing 40,000, we have observed a parallel increase in the number of registered users in Vottun World. This success demonstrates that we have managed to connect with our audience and facilitate their entry into the Web3 world in a straightforward and accessible manner.
Thus, with Vottun Dojo, we have achieved our goal: to follow a trend to reach more users and enable more people to enter the Web3 world easily through our platform.