Vottun Developers Community:
Unleash Your Potential!

Embark on a journey of web3 mastery like never before. Join our exclusive Web3 Community, where expertise is recognized, achievements are celebrated, and limitless opportunities await at every level of the game.


Start your journey by understanding the basics and unlocking Web3's potential


Enhance skills, dive into decentralized apps, and excel in the web3 realm.


Master web3, demonstrate expertise, shape its future.


Start your journey by understanding the basics and unlocking Web3's potential


Enhance skills, dive into decentralized apps, and excel in the web3 realm.


Master web3, demonstrate expertise, shape its future.


Immerse in our project, spread the word. Your enthusiasm drives our success.


Promote our project, engage with the community, ignite excitement in your network.


Be an influencer: champion our project, gather a broad audience, amplify our message.


Immerse in our project, spread the word. Your enthusiasm drives our success


Promote our project, engage with the community, ignite excitement in your network


Be an influencer: champion our project, gather a broad audience, amplify our message.

Follow these steps to embark on your adventure, climbing from Apprentice to Ninja, and eventually attaining the prestigious title of Sensei. Similarly, progress from Learner to Contributor, ultimately achieving the coveted status of Master.

Sign Up and Join the Community

Access our platform and start learning, coding dapps, participating in quests, sharing in the community…

Engage and Learn at the Apprentice Level

Explore, participate & share: Immerse yourself in web3 knowledge, engage with our community, and promote the project to demonstrate your enthusiasm for web3 & Vottun Web3 Abstraction Layer (WAL).

Progress to the Ninja Level

Engage and demonstrate your commitment: Progress from Apprentice to Ninja by engaging and demonstrating commitment; stepping up promotional activities, creating creation, while also collaborating with fellow Ninjas to boost community growth and influence.

Ascend to the Sensei Level

Keep up and be and be an ambassador: Become a Sensei through dedication and influential work. Be a Vottun Ambassador, collaborate closely with the team, contribute to strategies, and take a leadership role, leaving a lasting legacy as a web3 influencer.

Engage and spread the word

Begin your journey by immersing yourself in our project and spreading the word to enthusiasts. Your enthusiasm is the foundation of our success.

Progress to the contributor level

Take on a more active role by promoting our project, engaging with the community, and fostering excitement within your network.

Ascend to the Master Level

Become a true influencer by championing our project, attracting a significant audience, and amplifying our message across platforms.

Join Now and Begin Your Web3 Mastery!